Wedding Picture

My great grandparents wedding photo
My great grandparents wedding photo

This is my great-grandparent's wedding photo. Rose and Max Lauenger got married on October 18, 1942, in Manchester, England.  They both were fleeing Germany and Poland when they met in a boarding house in England. They both managed to escape to England in the summer of 1939 right before WWII. They were fleeing Germany and Poland because they were both Jewish and practicing Jewish customs. When the Nazis took over Germany, my great-grandfather was briefly put into a concentration camp, Sachsenhausen, which is near Berlin. He only made it out because he promised to leave Germany. This picture sits in my living room as a reminder that they fought to stay alive. This picture is important to my family because it represents that my grandparents never lost hope during a rough patch in history and they still managed to find safety together. They successfully escaped the hell and terror of the Nazis even when they were right in the middle of it. My great-grandparents then went on to start a family in England and had my grandmother, Ruth. They continued to practice their Judaism freely. My grandma had my mom and uncle who still tell my great-grandparents stories to this day.

Place(s): Manchester England, Germany, Berlin, Poland
Year: 1939

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Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more