Vietnam War Photo

Everything I know I learned from my parents and grandparents. Although our parents teach us how to walk and talk, nothing compares to the things we learn from our grandparents. From my grandfather, I learned strength, grit, and love. This picture is an original photograph from when he was a medic during the Vietnam War. He was a rigid man but never mean. He always wanted to help others. He had a way of being tough and perseverant without being unapproachable or selfish. I like to believe he rubbed some of this off on me during his time. He has made a lasting impression that I’ll never let go of. I only hope that there is a picture like this in everyone's life that represents a person they love who teaches great values.

– Darryk Kelly

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more