The Ring

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My object is a ring. It is really important to my mom and I. The ring started its journey with my mom's grandmother, on a beautiful special day in Mexico, my mom turned 15, she always dreamed about having a quinceañera. A quinceañera is a coming of age for girls when they turn 15 which is a big event for family and friends to gather around and enjoy an unforgettable day. Unfortunately, my mom didn’t have her quinceañera. That day was a still a happy special day because my moms grandmother decided to gather enough of her jewelry to make my mom a ring for her quince’s. My grandmother did what she promised, as every year would go by, my grandmother would tell my mom “Yo cumplo mis promesas mija. Pronto llegará ese día.” and so it happened and it went something like this: My grandmother found some old, not really necessary jewelry and went to La plaza and from there she took it to a person where they melt jewelry and create new pieces from it. After a few hours a new piece of jewelry was made. My grandmother arrived home and told my mom “Mira mija! Te gusta? Es para que te acuerdes de mi y lo lleves a todos lados.” My mom still has that ring, she took really good care of it and now she’s planning to give it to me when I turn 15! 

Place(s): Morelos, Mexico
Year: 1985

– Ingrid V.

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant