The First Time I Met My Aunt

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
My aunt, me, my mom, and a performer.
My aunt, me, my mom, and a performer.

This photo captures a special moment from my childhood, when I was around 3 or 4 years old. It was the first time I met my aunt, my mom’s sister, who can be seen holding me in the picture. She had recently moved to the United States to start her career as a healthcare worker, part of the wave of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who leave their homes in search of better opportunities abroad. We met in Central Park, a place that now holds deep personal significance for me because of this memory.
Later in life, my mom shared countless stories about Filipino migrant workers, like my aunt, who leave their families behind to build better futures. These workers, often referred to as "bagong bayani," or modern-day heroes, make immense personal sacrifices to support their loved ones back home. My aunt's journey is a reflection of the millions of Filipinos working overseas, especially in the United States, where nurses and healthcare workers are deployed as soon as their training is complete. For many, like my aunt, they become the backbone of their families and communities in the Philippines. Their dedication and resilience are what make them true heroes to me and my country.

Place(s): Philippines, New York

– Sofia Ante

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant