the Dominican flag

the flag made up blue, red and white
the flag made up blue, red and white

This Dominican flag represents my hispanic roots and my country, it shows hoy my family and i as Dominicans are proud of our country and where we came from.I am proud to be Dominican because we are the only country in the world that has the Bible open on its flag, we are a Christian people with a good heart and that is why God defeats us with blessings and always protects us. We are a people who fight and do not allow themselves to be governed by foreigners, we are independent and a lot of blood was shed to fulfill that dream. I am proud to belong to the homeland of Duarte, Sánchez and Mella, proud of this little piece of land with some of the best beaches in the world populated by happy people who make a list of everything and never let themselves collapse. Proud of this island that was the favorite of Columbus who admitted that nothing more beautiful ever saw his eyes, proud of this country that houses a world heritage, a historical place that made a difference and was one of the first cities in the new world "The colonial city and the lighthouse to Colón ". For and much more I am proud of my country and it is that it was not a lucky thing that it is Dominican but that God loves me so much that He sent me the best country in the world, a perfectly imperfect country.   When I asked my family what the flag means to them,they told me that it is a patriotic symbol.

Place(s): Dominican republic

– ironelys Marte

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant