Silver dollar
My object is a silver dollar that my mom passed down to me from her father. When she was a child and would celebrate Passover, her father would give a silver dollar to her if she found the afikoman. She was able to gather a collection of silver dollars for finding the afikomen most of the time. So during my bar mitzvah, she decided that it was fitting to give me one of the silver dollars she had received from her father. She still has most of them because no one really uses silver dollars anymore. The silver dollar stopped being used around the 1930s. However, coins used to be made out of real silver but in 1965 president Johnson approved the Coinage act, which removed silver from circulating coins. I keep mine in a place that I will remember so I can continue the tradition.
– AM
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more