Serenity Prayer on Canvas


This object is made of a few simple elements: a small canvas, wooden frame, and acrylic royal blue lettering. It’s the first thing I see every morning, and the words affect me deeply.
Printed on the canvas is the Serenity Prayer, which connects to my life in a few ways. First, the text itself. As a human being, I come to face the fact that life is quite unpredictable. There are many unexpected problems that will pop up, and I’ve found that this is one thing that will help me sail choppy water during the day. 
On a deeper level, the prayer is a mark of my spirituality. In my family, deeper spirituality has always meant living with a sense of respect to all and reverence to God and those above us. Religion is a puzzle piece of my life that was always very closely tied to the family, from when I was being raised at my grandmother’s house to now. My Grandmother, who taught my mother, who then taught me my first prayers, encouraged a lifestyle of living faith, civic awareness, and social responsibility. 
So the canvas also reminds me of her and her old Brooklyn house on 77th street. I remember the wall to wall carpet, the smell of old books, which I have to admit I love, but most of all, the strong faith and strong people who made me the man I am today.

Place(s): Brooklyn

– Joseph

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more