Selwar Kameez

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

One day, my teacher gave me an assignment. The assignment was to find an object that is important to your family culture. So I went home and thought about it to myself.   After a few minutes, I said to myself,  "WOW!” I have so many salwar kameez. Which one should I take? (A Salwar kameez is from a country called Bangladesh and we wear it on a special day.) My mom, grandma, and aunts wear it. It is made out of cloth, sometimes jewels, and it even has different colors on it . Some of them even have beautiful designs on them. I ran to my room and looked for one salwar kameez that was special to me.
I chose this object because a salwar kameez is very fundamental and we wear a salwar kameez on a special holiday called Eid.  Eid is an important holiday for muslims and others. We all invite family and friends over and spend time with each other. We also pray to God and have a great time. And that's why we wear these beautiful dresses. The tailors in Bangladesh, make these pretty dresses so we can wear them. My great grandmother past on the salwar kameez to my grandmother, then she gave it to my mother. That was their past generations of passing the salwar kameez. This teaches our culture by showing other people our religious tradition on what we wear and how we use it.
I’m very delighted whenever I see a salwar kameez because it is beautiful. When I wear them, it reminds me of my country. 

Place(s): Bangladesh
Year: 2005

– S

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant