Sea Glass

In Fun
Sea glass jewelry
Sea glass jewelry

The constant happiness that has been in my life since I was a child was the beach. The memories made playing in the sand, the jumping over waves and the long walks up and down the beach finding treasure. Since 1971 when my mother was born into a poor family consisting of 14 people including her two parents, they struggled financially with things that I get to enjoy without a worry, vacations. Without the money, they were very limited on places to enjoy relaxing and a break from their life. My grandparents in 1950 started to plan vacations to a small  camping site in Rhode Island. This tradition has meant so much to me growing up within a large, loving family that would do anything for each other. This started my happiness and love for the beach. Since this campsite is less than 15 minutes from the beach, we are constantly there. A sense of calm will always wash over me as it brings me into a meditative state of mind. Sea glass is often overlooked. The act of finding these beautiful, smooth pieces of glass fascinate me, the journey it takes for me to enjoy something so simple, yet so beautiful. Sea glass originated in the times where people on boats used to throw their bottles overboard or when glass was dumped into the ocean. The act of being tumbled and smoothed against sand and rocks fascinates me. The beauty and the meaning behind the production of sea glass and the location found contributes to my sense of happiness, calmness and sense of value for the little things.

Place(s): Rhode Island

– Paige Cyr

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant