Rocking Chair

Rocking Chair
Rocking Chair

This rocking chair was first purchased by my great-great grandfather just before the start of WWI. The design of the chair is very well designed and has a very floral look to it, but it is not very comfortable to sit in. They lived in Pennsylvania and eventually my grandfather was born. He took ownership of the chair and he took it everywhere. When he traveled for work he would stay in a state for only a couple years at a time and the chair was at every place. Pennylvania, Michigan, Iowa, and Kansas were all states he lived in. Eventually he settled down in South Carolina. When I was growing up I always thought it was just an ordinary chair, but now I realize this chair represents my family's migration to South Carolina. 

– Connor Greve

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant