
In Attire

This ring belonged to my great grandmother. I got this ring when I was 10 years old. It was in 2014 when I received it. My great grandmother got it from her husband for their 25th anniversary. My great grandfather bought it in Brooklyn. It is over 50 years old. It was $2500 then, so it is worth much more today. This piece is very valuable to me because it reminds me of my Mom and her relationship with her grandparents.  It probably reminds my grandparents of their parents and the struggles they had immigrating from Ireland. It has been passed down three times already. It went from my great grandmother, to my mom, then to me! It is part of my heritage and we also share a name, I was given her name as my middle name.  I look forward to the day when I can pass this ring down to my own child and explain how this ring connects us to the past. 

Place(s): Ireland
Year: 1920

– alexis b

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more