Quinceanera ring

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Quinceanera ring and Salvadoran flag
Quinceanera ring and Salvadoran flag

In most Hispanic families it is a tradition to celebrate your 15th birthday to symbolize entering womanhood. On the day of your 15th birthday party, the quinceanera is given a ring to symbolize the circle of life. The ring can also be seen as a place marker for her future wedding ring or engagement ring. My quinceanera ring symbolizes my transition into womanhood, but the difference for my family is that it also symbolizes the growth of my family and their hard work. My parents immigrated from El Salvador because they were following what everyone calls the American dream. In El Salvador, there was a lot of violence and the pay was very low. In El Salvador, huge quinceaneras are not commonly seen because parents don’t have enough money to make ends meet and celebrate their daughter's quinceanera. So when my parents moved to the United States they worked 24/7 so that they could provide for me and my siblings, and eventually, they were able to give us the things that we wanted so when it came to my 15th birthday and I received that ring and it symbolized how much they have grown ever since they moved here. 

Place(s): El Salvador

– MC

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant