Playstation 4

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
PS4 Laying on the ground peacefully
PS4 Laying on the ground peacefully

I have a PlayStation 4 console that was given to me for my birthday, and it is by far, without a doubt, the best birthday gift I have ever received. A group of my friends gave it to me, once they realized that they didn't use it as much as their other one. So, they handed it down to me with a ton of games, and it was such an upgrade. I went from a very ancient Xbox 360 that I rarely played, to a PlayStation 4 that had rechargeable controllers and content exclusive games. I played it so much, and it helped me a lot when I was bed ridden my freshman year. It was a great form of entertainment. I now own a PS5, but that PlayStation 4 was my gateway into games, and I still have it till this day.

– OG

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant