
In May 2016, Cliveden was featured in the Food & Dining Section of the Philadelphia Inquirer. Over the past year Cliveden engaged in a planning process to involve its community in preservation a for two kitchens at Cliveden. The 1767 Kitchen Dependency, built separately from the main house, was a work space and living quarters for enslaved workers and people in service to the Chews for generations. The Mid-Century Modern Kitchen was installed by Sam and Babbie Chew, the last members of the Chew family to own the property. Both kitchens are now included on the guided tour and give visitors an opportunity to think about the people who lived and worked in these spaces. 
Prompted by this article, Michael and Peg Quann visited Cliveden for a tour of the house and kitchen spaces.  It turned out that Peg was a relative of James and Catherine Burns, an Irish couple who were servants to the Chew family during the early 20th century. James Burns was the gardener and Catherine was the cook for Elizabeth Brown Chew (1863 – 1958). Both James and Catherine were born in Ireland and later in their life lived near Cliveden on Morton Street in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. 
More people now see themselves in the stories of Cliveden and the connections jump up from unexpected places and people we did not know. Today Cliveden is about both the family that owned the property AND the people who worked for them, both enslaved and in service, and how people’s lives intersect in the kitchen.

Year: 1904

– David Young

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant