picture with my grandmother
I have this picture from Ecuador of my grandmother. I love this woman because my parents left me in Ecuador when I was 1 year old and she took care of me, she taught me about respect and how to love other people. This picture is in my country in 2011 when I went with my grandmother to the fair it was the most beautiful thing because she never left me alone she always took me everywhere, I remember that day she bought me candy and took me to a park, I remember we had to walk a lot but she was always with me. I remember how happy I was that day. She is the most important thing to me, she is my country and she took care of me until I was 14 years old until I came to this country. She was my mom and dad to me because I never saw my parents because they came to this country to work. This picture is very important to me, every morning when I wake up I see my picture and I say that I am going to study hard and work so that one day I can see her again. And this picture inspires me to be a better person, as brave and loving as her. I am very happy to be her granddaughter.
– E
Relationship: Im/migrant Im/migrant