
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Picture taken when I was a month old.
Picture taken when I was a month old.

My parents met in China. They had plans of coming to America because they knew there were more job opportunities here, and their future children would have a better education. Since my dad already had relatives here, he knew he would receive help, My dad was the first to come to America. After getting a job and earning enough money, he went back to China and married my mom. For a year, my dad had to travel back and forth from America to China. A year after they got married, my mom got pregnant with my brother. Since they were expecting, my dad decided to travel less so that he could save more money as well as earn more money. After my brother was born, he stayed in China for two years before coming to America. As they got comfortable here, my parents got ready to have another child. Three years after immigrating to this country, my mom gave birth to me. Now, we are a family of four. 

Place(s): New York
Year: 1990

– AL

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant