Painting of synagogue

painting of my great grandma's synagogue
painting of my great grandma's synagogue
Story pending

Long before I was born, my great-grandmother Martha Lubofsky came to the United States and settled in Pittsburgh. Her family arrived from a small village in Belarus after having narrowly escaped the Holocaust. My understanding of this history is vague and I have always meant to ask my grandmother more about Martha, which my dad and aunt endearingly refer to as Bubbie. A major part of this story comes from this painting, which remains in my dad's living room. In the 1990s, my grandma and aunt traveled to the village where Bubbie was from. When they were there, they found an old synagogue in the area and met someone who remembered my great-grandmother. This painting was made of the synagogue they found, which they believed Bubbie went to before she moved to Pittsburgh. 

Place(s): Belarus

– Ethan Beck

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more