
This is a photo of an Ofrenda (or altar)
This is a photo of an Ofrenda (or altar)

The Day of the Dead is a day to remember your loved ones that died in the past. Like any other celebration, Dia de los muertos is filled with music and dancing. The word Ofrenda is offering in Spanish. They are also called Altares or altars. 
Day of the dead Ofrenda is when loved ones pass away. On the Day of the Dead you honor the day they passed. You traditionally put up an altar (or Ofrenda), though it is optional, but most people put it up to show respect. 
Normally the Ofrenda would have cloth around the table, candles, pan dulce, some fruit, cups of water, marigolds, and skull decorations. There are three different things that represent the Ofrenda: air, fire, and water. 
Marigolds are flowers that represent death and life. Marigolds are mostly used on dia de los muertos to represent the death of someone who has died. Not everyone uses those type of flowers but marigolds represent the death of someone.
Pan dulce means sweet bread in Spanish. People usually eat it with milk, coffee, hot chocolate, morning or at night. Some people think that pan dulce is too dry, heavy, and too crumbly. But most people in Mexico eat it all the time, maybe while eating breakfast, or just at night. 
Ofrendas are set up to remember someone who has passed, Before setting an Ofrenda you would have to clean your house, because spirits will enter you house and you want it welcoming for them.

Place(s): Mexico

– Abigail Sosa

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant