Nintendo Switch

In Fun
Nintendo switch
Nintendo switch

My Nintendo Switch was a Christmas gift that I received last year. This is important to me because video games have been a huge part of my life ever since I was a small child. I played my first game when I was really young, and my dad has played video games since he was a kid, so he decided to introduce me to them. I remember playing GTA: San Andreas - I would just run around having fun and using cheats. Nowadays, I play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with my friends each day at lunch. Video games have brought me closer to my dad, brother, and my friends. At one point I wanted to become a video game creator, but now I just want to do art. One video game I liked playing with my brother, dad, and cousin, was Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. Video games have had a huge influence on the things I aspire to be in life.

– Andrew

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant