
Relationship: Im/migrant

My parents gave me this necklace when I did my first communion as a kid. Although I am not a religious person, I have always continued wearing the necklace. For it reminds me of my parents and my family; it also reminds me of my childhood, growing up in a small town in the West coast of Puerto Rico. I have lived 8 of the last 10 years of my life abroad, first in Germany and now in the USA and for me this necklace is a constant reminder of where I come from, which is such an important part of who I am. My family, my childhood friends and memories, all of these things are in a way condensed in this necklace. I know that for different reasons I will probably never lived again in my hometown, but I will always cherish all the wonderful memories I have of me growing up in Aguada.  

Place(s): Puerto Rico,Germany
Year: 2007

– Omar Ruiz

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant