Naturalization Papers

Naturalization Papers
Naturalization Papers

For my artifact I am writing about my grandfather's birth certificate. My grandfather wanted to seek more opportunities and go to America. The decision to go to America was not easy. He had to leave all of his family and friends behind to make a new journey and go to America. Also, going to America is not simple. My grandfather was lucky to find a ticket on a boat that was able to get him to America.  Once he arrived in America his first job was a maintenance worker. Then he met his wife, who is my  grandmother. They had seven children, and 10 grandchildren. Naturalization is the process to become a U.S citizen if you are from outside the United States of America. The papers are showing that he became a citizen. This is an important document for my family because it shows the start of our time in America. 

Place(s): U.S.A
Year: 1953

– J

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant