Nana's Ring

In Attire
Nana's Ring
Nana's Ring

My object is a ring that was given to me by my Nana, Adele Barrett. My great-great-grandmother, Elise Múse, and her husband Dr. Mullowney moved from Chicago to Boston. When she arrived she bought a very nice gold ring, with a pearl in the center. When Elise had her daughter, Adele Frances Mullowney, she waited and gave the ring to her. Then my great grandmother gave it to my nana, Adele Barrett. My nana Adele was so happy when she got the ring. My nana Adele put it away and went on with her life but still looked at it often. When she decided she couldn’t keep the ring anymore, my aunt was too old for it, so she gave it to one of her “most trustworthy grand daughters”, which was me! This ring reminds me of my nana because I treasure her so much.  Adele said “I think it is nice to know about our family and where we came from.” The ring is over one hundred years old and is very precious in our family. My nana told me when I received the ring, “give this to your daughter at the right time, and if it’s not the right time, hold on to it very close to your heart. And if your daughter isn’t the one for it, wait for the right girl.” and that is exactly what I will do at the right time.

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more