My Toledo Spanish card deck

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
All the different kind of cards
All the different kind of cards

This is my deck of Toledo Spanish cards. My prima Delfi gave it to me when we were on vacation in Argentina. When I opened it I immediately started playing with it. I played two different types of games with Delfi but then learned another one when I went back to the apartment that I was renting. The one I liked the most was Desconfio, (you can read this if you want to know how you play Desconfio and this is a Spanish game), Desconfio is a game where you have to say one of the cards, Basto (Club), Copa (Cup), Oro (Gold), Espada (Sword). You can tell the truth and place down the card that you said or you can lie and place down a card that you didn't say. If you or the other person says Desconfio and you or they told the truth the person that said Deasconfio takes the whole deck of cards but if they lie the person that lied has to take the whole deck of cards This process goes on and on until someone runs out of cards and wins.

Place(s): Argentina
Year: 2013

– Oliver Kuba

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant