My moms Mexico ID

Relationship: Child of im/migrant

My lovely mother immigrated to the US when she was 19 yrs old in 1994. She came with two people a friend of hers at the time, and a lady that's a family friend. She could bring limited things so she only brought one pair of jeans and new men boots she bought, that later on gave her blisters. My mom told me in Spanish, "I remember at first I already wanted to go home, but the only thing that kept me going was this lady that went with us. She was going to the US because she had children and nieces over there." My mom eventually got to California. My mom said that her Identification card was really important to her because, " if something ever happened to me with the police I could have an identification card and call my mom and siblings." After my mom living in California for a while, she finally got a new Identification card. I really liked talking to my mom about her adventure about coming to the US. A lot of kids then and NOW still immigrate at 19 or even younger only to have a better future for them selves.

Place(s): Mexico, California, and Mexico City
Year: 1994

– Jaquelyn B.

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant