My Mom and Aunts' Photo Shop

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant

I was 2 years old when I first went to the photo shop. The photo shop was around for 4 years, and even though I didn't go there everyday when I was 2 to 3 years old, I miss it a lot.  I would pose for my mom and aunts to take photos of me to hang up on the walls. The shop was the 2nd biggest store on the block. My photos were hung in the shop and on the windows for people walking by to see. The inside was pretty small. I loved to hide behind the curtains and play with the cameras. I would go to the shop after daycare and help set up the cameras for scheduled customers. Our family and relatives would come to the shop and we'd have a lot of fun. The shop was also located next to my favorite supermarket where the manager would also give me my favorite kiwi and strawberry ice cream. This photo shop had an impact of my mom and younger aunt because now they wish to open their own photo shops throughout New York and Los Angeles.

Place(s): Yerevan, Armenia
Year: 2006

– Yana

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant