My Family's House

My house
My house

It's a photo of the first home my great-grandparents had bought in Elmhurst, Queens. Prior to buying this home, they had lived in the Rutgers Houses and a few tenement apartments along Henry Street in the Lower East Side prior to this. My great-grandparents immigrated first, and then my grandmother came. My mother Yvonne, my aunt Yvette, my grandma Edith, my great-aunt, my great-uncle, my aunt's boyfriend, and I still all live in the home today!
The photo was likely taken in 1971 and includes Siu Yu Wong, Great-grandma, and Wah Hing Wong, Great-grandpa.

Place(s): China, New York

– Sage Ho

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant