My family mole recipe.
During many Generations the mole recipe had a big impact on most family members.This is part of one important traditions “Dia de muertos” This tradition is when we celebrate our people that pass away.The mole is significant to put on the altar as a representation of one of the best Mexican meals that they had in their lives. My grandma grew up in a small area in the city.When she got married to my grandpa she had to move in a new place, and a new area were they had kid’s and created a family. After my grandparents move in together the say that they will keep their traditions alive.After a few years the “Dia de muertos” had become one of their favorite tradition so the mole become the most important plate to celebrate this tradition.This plate Is a delicious plate that is difference by the flavor of the roast chilies and all the condiments that makes this plate the best.This tradition become constant.The tradition become really important for me after I learn the meeting and significant plate.They have teach me that you can do many other food from the mole.The flavor is amazing and the recipe has pass to me so every time that i make ole it remainder of my Grandparents. The remainder that you can create or make something more special that the meeting behind that it already has. The connection that I have with this plate is that it remainders me that you can make something special in a new place.So every time that eat mole remainder to my grandparents.
– Dana
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant