My Families’ Drink

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
My Families’ Drink
My Families’ Drink

I interviewed my dad. He immigrated from Argentina. My object is a drink called mate (ma-te). My family uses it but mostly my aunt uses it when she visits the USA. Mate is made out of leaves and hot water but you can add sugar to make it taste sweeter. It tastes like tea but sweeter.                  

I chose this object because it helps me remember where I was from. My dad immigrated from Argentina because he wanted to study physics in the USA. Eventually he became a physics teacher. My family drinks mate out of a special cup. 

Right now my dad is living a good life in the USA. I will never forget Mate and pass it down.

Place(s): Argentina

– CR.

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant