My dog

In Fun

Your story, Our Story
Kaira Godinez

I would say my dog represents my cultural identity because I am a HUGE dog person. My family has owned a lot of dogs and I feel like dogs in general play a huge role in my family. My Grandma originally lived in Mexico and she had to cross the border in order to come here and give my mom and her siblings a better life. She wanted them to be able to live freely and be able to live a good life here. The thing that stands out to me the most about my family story is that my grandma had to practically cross the desert of some sort in order to get here. She did it all on her feet while carrying a child. A newborn child to be specific. She wanted to give her children, and her family a better life and she wanted to make sure that they can live their life to the fullest. Even today she still works really hard to help out her children and her grandchildren in any way she can. She's absolutely amazing and she always makes me smile. I am not really familiar with any other family stories but I am curious to know more about my family history and how life is now that they are here to have a better life. I wonder if there were any specific obstacles that were getting in the way of them being able to have a better life here in America. 

Place(s): Mexico

– Kaira Godinez

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant