My Childhood Life

Relationship: Im/migrant
Chess Game
Chess Game

Where I'm From

I am from a family with many memories 
an item I remember from broom 
I am from clean every day 
and my father used to give me hugs.
I am from my grandmother's potatoe plants who respect the people. 
I am from chess and jump 
the ropes from Ramirez and Cusicanqui . 
I am from eat with family and camping  
and from watch the race car competition from world cup soccer play. 
I am from respect God 
I am from grandparents and uncles 
from sacta and paseno plate from Pacific War and from be faithful to your partner 
my first doll 
I am from those moments the most beautiful moments of my childhood 
with my dad and grandparents 
unforgettable memories. 

Place(s): La Paz, Bolivia
Year: 1995

– W

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant