my bed

This is my bed
This is my bed

This is my bed it was made by my grandfather and it was made for my dad.  It was a gift to my father for college.  My grandfather gave it to him and it was a bunk bed.  Since it was a bunk bed he used the top bunk for sleeping in and the bottom as a couch.  It came with a support bar that would keep the cushions up so he could sit on them.  He would use the bottom to do homework or for less school focused stuff like watching television.  The way I use it is more of just one bunk and the one bunk is the bottom one.  I use the bottom for both a couch and a bed.  I use the top for putting my extra blankets on and use it as a rack for those blankets.  I find this a part of my identity because this is one of the couple of things that have been passed down from two generations.  I like this because my grandfather made this with wood and his hands.  This shows that my family is good at making stuff out of wood and my grandfather is the best at what he does.

Year: 1719

– Seth Thetge

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more