Mommy Dresses

In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
Ring Dance Dress
Ring Dance Dress

Something very important to me to pass down to my daughter will be all of my dresses. I have always loved dresses. I love to wear elegant dresses for all special occasions. Now that I have a daughter I let her know the importance of dressing beautifully for a special night, whether it is for Easter, Christmas photos, or her birthday and as she grows older and has her own special occasions. I have decided to pass along all of my beautiful gowns to her. I have kept both my ring dance dress and my prom dress for her if she would like to wear them for her future ring dance or prom. I believe that as the generations, pass this is something that she can always hold on to. I love my pink ring dance and I wanted to feel like a princess when I picked it. Passing this down to my daughter will hopefully make her feel like a princess, too. I have only worn them once, but I know they will be perfect for my daughter if she decides to wear them and revamp them. As she gets older I know that she is a girlie girl who loves clothes and tries on her tutus and dresses. Passing these down to her is more than just a dress. This is a reminder to her to let her know she will be beautiful in whatever dress she decides to wear.

– ZK

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant