Model of the deity, Ganesha.

All the models of deities at my house.
All the models of deities at my house.

So I was walking around the house one day, and I spotted a everyday object found in all of Hindu households, a model of Ganesha. Later when my mom came home from work, I asked her what was the true history behind this colorful model. She told me that his model of the deity Ganesha, was passed down from my great grandparents, Chhoti Devi and Changa Mal. Those brave people, defied the tyranny of Great Britain and were part of Indian independence movement. The deity was probably present at any and all religious ceremony, as it is today. This connects to my cultural identity because Ganesha is a huge model in the Hindu religion, and I am Hindu. We pray to Ganesha at any religious festival.  I also always wanted to learn about the history of the country that my parents came from, and this was the key. This object was around when Gandhi walked 241 miles to protest the Salt Acts passed by Great Britain, and countless Diwali and family celebrations.  I believe this item is important to me because this the definition of my cultural identity, as it connects to both my religion of Hinduism and the history of my motherland,  India.

Place(s): India, My house

– Arnav

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more