

My object is a menorah that my great great grandpa used when he immigrated to the United States. He came from Ukraine with my great great grandma in 1911. The menorah is used for holding nine candles on a Jewish holiday called Hanukkah. My dads side of my family is Jewish, so my great great grandparents on his side are also Jewish. This menorah is made out of silver metal so it doesn't break while using it for the candles. A fact about a menorah is that household menorahs are made of silver metal and the ones used in temples are made of solid gold because it is stronger. 
I chose the menorah because it was something very special to my great great grandpa. The story is that my great great grandparents used it while they were on the boat to the United States. I don't have the exact menorah that they had but I have a replica. One thing that the menorah teaches me to do is celebrate more Jewish holidays and traditions. My object is connected to my dad’s side of my family when my great great grandparents came to the United States in 1911. A fun fact is that menorah is the Hebrew word for lamp.
A question that I have for my ancestors is why did they decide to immigrate to the United States and how did they use a menorah when they were traveling. Lastly, why did they immigrate to the United States in 1911?

Place(s): Ukraine
Year: 1911

– CB

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more