Marble grapes
My grandparents, on my mother's side, were first generation Americans. Their families (my great-grandparents) had come to the US from Minsk and Belarus, to escape the pogroms at the turn of the century. Grandma Betty and Grandpa King lived in a small town in rural western New York-- one of the few Jewish families in the area. My grandfather was a butcher and had a small store. My grandmother had higher aspirations and loved beautiful things. In her house, next to the store, the living room was her special place. She filled with "tchotchkes" or special items. Thinking back, I think these items were important symbols of their economic growth. When we visited we were really not allowed in the room. But my siblings and cousins and I would peek in and explore when she wasn't looking. These grapes were in a bowl and for some reason, we all were fascinated by the idea of fruit made of rocks! As the eldest of the grandchildren, I received the grapes when she died - and I cherish them in recognizing the journeys my ancestors traveled.
– J
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more