Life of Robert Parris
The Life and Ancestry of Robert Malachi Parris was a book passed down to me by my grandma. It covers the life of my great, great, great, grandfather all the way to when my family emigrated from Ireland. This book is very important to me because it connects me to a part of my family that I never knew I had. (It does explain my father's red hair.) Without this book, I would be missing out on a big part of how I came to be. It’s also awesome to see the lives of my ancestors and how they affected other people. For Instance, I never knew that my great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather Richard Pearis was a loyalist who betrayed the Union and fled to the British Bahamas and gained a good sum of money from the Loyalist Commission after the loss of his land. Richard Pearis even has a life-size statue of him, and a page on Wikipedia. In addition, Robert Parris and three others were killed by a particular batch of bad moonshine. I’m very thankful for this book, and the insight it gives me into my history.
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more