Lego Bethlehem

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Lego Bethethlem set under my tree.
Lego Bethethlem set under my tree.

On a cold December morning, my family began to decorate the Christmas tree. My mom and sister decorated the tree with flaky, silk-white Christmas ornaments, while my dad brought in a massive red box with the label Bethlehem sets. There it was, a Lego Bethlehem set.  It is a plasticky, durable building set that created more joy than I imagined. Building it is like placing a glimmering star atop an elegant Christmas tree. A Bethlehem set is an essential part of my family’s Christmas tree. Without it, I feel disconnected from both my family and religion. A Bethlehem set is the birthplace of Jesus, according to Catholics. As my family is Catholic, it is a significant piece that reminds us of why we celebrate Christmas as Catholics. When I was younger, building the Lego Bethlehem set made me feel connected to past generations of my family as they also had to “build” a Bethlehem set. Even from far away, my family and I are counting the traditions of my family’s past. The Lego Bethlehem set also reminds me of my parents and how brave they were to travel halfway across the globe to better their lives while continuing the traditions and sharing the beautiful culture of Slovakia with me. The Lego Bethlehem reminds me of my culture, religion, and the traditions my parents passed down to me from Slovakia. As a child, it started as an enjoyable structure that developed into a memorable and cherishable object that reminds me of who I am and where I am from. 

Place(s): Slovakia

– Oliver Lakatos

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant