
In Fun

My mom got me Lamby before I was born in a small store in Corte Madera, California. Lamby is a rosy-pink color with magenta stitches for eyes, nose, & feet. Lamby’s ears were always a little bit soggy because as a small child, I sucked on his ears. Even though I haven’t used Lamby in a while I still remember him being there for me 100% of the time, whether I stubbed my toe or needed to have a tea party. I never thought I would have a time without Lamby until that night in 2010.  My dad was making dinner on the stove & I went over to get a sniff. However, Lamby had gotten on to the stove when I flung my hands up onto the counter. Before I knew it, Lamby was caught up in flames & I was screaming my head off. My dad shoved me out of the way & flung Lamby into the sink. My small 3-year-old body became limp & I bawled on the kitchen floor. I solemnly walked over to the sink to see the remains of little Lamby. All of Lamby’s blanket had burned off & just his head was left. I took the head & held it in my hands, the ears still soggy. Tears rolled down my face & dripped onto the wooden floor. I didn’t want to give him up. I slept with the head that night. The next morning, we sewed his head onto a new blanky. Lamby was saved. Even though Lamby is a stuffed animal I feel that he did shape my identity. I feel that since I loved Lamby so much it made me a better person. I truly think that if I did not have Lamby, I would not be the same happy outgoing person I am today. 

Place(s): California
Year: 2010

– miahansmeyer

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant