La Virgen de Guadalupe

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
La Virgen de Guadalupe
La Virgen de Guadalupe

The Virgen de Guadalupe has always had a big part of my family. As Catholics, she was always an important motherly figure and whenever I was scared or stressed or worried in general my mother would always say, "reza a la Virgen" and it helped every time. My family, being from Mexico, have always had her around them, in pictures and posters, on rosaries and the news. My grandmothers have pictures of her around the house the way they have of our family members. We even have a national holiday for her where thousands of us get together to bring her roses and to celebrate her. We get together as a people and doing so makes me feel closer to everyone around me, not just my family. My parents have her as a big inspiration to everything they do, especially coming into this country and building the life they have now, she watches over us, and she keeps us together. Miranda Robles

Place(s): Mexico, Jalisco

– Miranda Robles

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant