Kugel Recipe

kugel recipe
kugel recipe

My tenement museum project is my great grandma's kugel recipe .Kugel is a European recipe from Poland (my great grandma was from Poland).
Kugel is a Jewish dish. There are lots of different types of kugel. The  kugel that she used to make was sweet and it had lots of things in it like  egg, sugar, cinnamon, egg noodles, shredded apple, apricot, and margarine. My mom usually makes kugel for holidays or just for dinner. Unlike other foods kugel is better overnight and cold.
I chose kugel because it is one of my favorite foods and it's from my great grandma so I thought that's cool and it's just so good.
But it would be cool if i had the real recipe that my great grandma wrote   .

Place(s): Poland

– RC

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant