
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Some of my jewelry used for protection.
Some of my jewelry used for protection.

My dad is from Santa Fe Tepetlapa, Guererro, Mexico. In his family, and according to their traditions, wearing gold protects you, and, when you wear gold of patron saints or the Virgin Guadalupe, you are given more protection. My dad is a Scorpio, and his saint for that month of his birth, (October 23- November 21) is Santa Muerte. Therefore, I have jewelry of her, too. Many people are afraid of Santa Muerte, but my dad's family believes that she protects you until your are ready to die, and then she accompanies you to your final destination. I was given my first gold bracelet and earrings when I was just a few months old, and I was also always required to wear an evil eye bracelet, "el mal de ojo." It has always been a tradition to buy us a piece of gold jewelry on each birthday. I am 18, and I still wear an evil eye bracelet and most of my gold jewelry daily. It is a part of who I am, and I will pass this tradition on to my children. These things mean a lot to me because these beliefs have been passed down for several generations. One of my first pieces of jewelry was given to me by my two favorite uncles, Benjamin and Patricio, for my first birthday. They are both in Mexico now, and I haven't seen them for many years, so it always reminds me of them. When you are the daughter of an immigrant, you have family in another country that you rarely, if ever, get to see and anything from them, even a birthday card, is something to cherish. 

Place(s): Mexico
Year: 2004

– AC

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant