Jesus statue

Relationship: Im/migrant
Jesus statue
Jesus statue

In my family the Jesus statue is important because my Grandmother tells the story that they found it, because one day my grandma and my aunt were taking a walking and found the statue and they brought it home and clean it because it had a lot of dirt and they fixed it because it was damage and my aunt has the statue, we used to go and pray to the statue and once a year in my church we used to do something and my aunt always will bring the statue. Sometimes my grandma goes and asks my aunt if she can take it home for a week because my family thinks that the statue brings health,luck and many other things to the family, and my mom was telling me that my aunt is going to pass the statue to the next generation.

Place(s): Ecuador
Year: 2018

– FP

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant