Jamaican Plate
This plate has been down for generations. My great-grandmother got this plate in 1964 in Montego - Bay Jamaica. It was framed on a wall in her home and has been there for many decades. My great-grandmother and grand-father were very poor and didn't have many nice things when they got the plate they thought it would be a good idea to keep it in a safe place to admire something nice they had for once. They had a family of 10 kids but the two twins died during birth. When my great-grandmother died my great-grandfather told his kids to make sure that someone in the family kept this plate because it would be in remembrance of my great-grandmother and her sacrifice in buying this plate. When my grandmother got older and got married to my grandfather they had my mother and uncle and around 1999-2004 they moved to the United States and brought this plate with them and till this day my grandmother still has the plated that has hej passed down for decades.
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more