Jade (bracelet)
The object I chose is a bracelet. It is made of jade and has a smooth, fine texture with delicate carving on the surface. This object is important to me because my dad gave it to me. He gave it to me because he wanted me to have something meaningful that represents protection and goodluck. In my family, wearing jade has always been a tradition, and this object reminds me of that. Jade is significant in Chinese culture because it symbolizes wisdom, purity and protection. It is believed to bring good fortune and safeguard the wearer from harm. Whenever I see/use this object, I feel connected to my family because it helps me remember some experiences from the past and some significant moments like family gatherings during Chinese New Year, when my dad would talk about the importance of jade, or when my dad first gave me this necklace as a symbol of his love and blessings.
– Yushan
Relationship: Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant