Italian Wedding Cookies

Italian Wedding cookies
Italian Wedding cookies

My object is Italian wedding cookies. My object is from Sicily, Italy. The cookies are made for Easter and Christmas because it's been a tradition in my family since my great grandma came to America. The cookies are made of flour, sugar, anise, eggs, and milk.The recipe has been passed down for a lot of generations. I chose the cookies because these are  my favorite cookies and they are one of the recipes that came from Italy. The cookies taught me a lot about my culture that I didn't know. The recipe is from my great great grandma  but I got it from my great grandma. My great great grandma immigrated in the early 20th century . my grandma makes cookies because they are a big thing in Italy so she wants to honor it.

I wonder why these cookies are so special, Wish I could meet my great grandma . I would want to see what Italy looked like when she was little. I went to Italy before but it probably was even more beautiful in 1910.

Place(s): Italy
Year: 1910

– VS

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant