Homemade Tortillas

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Homemade Flour Tortillas in the making
Homemade Flour Tortillas in the making

My father is from Tijuana, Mexico and my mother is from Duarte, California (her parents are residents of Mexico). When both of my grandmothers get together, they always make homemade flour tortillas. I truly feel like they connect with one another through cooking and it's a time where everyone gathers together in the kitchen. The tradition of making homemade tortillas passed on into our household, and at a young age me and my siblings learned how to make them. Gathering in the kitchen to made tortillas consisted of laughs, talks, and memories for us. Fast forward to today, we still gather at my mother's house and make them, we sit and enjoy one another's company, talk about the stresses of life and the good things that are happening; it's really just a time for my family to catch up and reconnect with each other. We make tortillas on every holiday, and times in between like birthdays and movie nights. I believe we are such a tight knitted family because of the time we spent in the kitchen connecting with one another over making tortillas, especially since in my household there was no getting out of making them. As we have all gotten older, we cherish the times in the kitchen, and we are passing it on to our children now. 

Place(s): Mexico

– Maria Flores

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant