Homemade Table
This table was made by my great, great, great grandfather. His name was Isaac H. Myers, and he was born on April 11th,1844 in Pennsylvania. He died on December 30th,1909 at 65 years old. For the time, this was considered a long time. He built it from scratch with wood he gathered from around his house. He carved all of the table by himself, including a unique flourish to the legs, and even included a folding mechanism to allow the table to collapse, allowing easy transport in and out of small spaces. The table has an oval shape, and was built with five chairs. The entire set has been able to stay sturdy and strong for over 130 years and counting. We haven’t had any issues with it, but do have to take precautions when we put hot things on the table, as it could burn the finish. The cleaning process usually includes rinsing, but not scrubbing, and then finishing it off with wood polish. After assembling the table, he also created chairs to go with it. He then sealed the table in a finish. This table has been used in my family since he created it, and it is what my family eats on today. When my great, great grandfather died, his body was embalmed on the table. Embalming is the process of preparing a dead body to be put in a coffin. This table has the history of three generations, embodying the essence of four generations.
– T.R
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more