Soup Joumou

Soup Joumou
Soup Joumou

Since I was born I heard of this soup called ”Soup Joumou”. Soup Joumou is a traditional soup. This soup is made of pumpkin, meat, epis seasoning, onions, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, celery, peppers and herds and many other vegetables and pasta. Soup Joumou is a traditional item that represents freedom in Haiti. They taught me about this traditional soup in school and I always overheard people talking about it. Wherever we are we made and ate Soup Joumou every January 1, when we declared our independence from France, who had banned us from eating Soup Joumou when Hiatian were there slaves. So to remember that day we had our independence, and celebrate our freedom we made Soup Joumou, and this is the time everyone in the community eats together by sharing with others. Every January 1, even if I am not in my country but by eating this soup makes me feel free compared to what I learn, how things were back in 1791, when Haitian were slaves, how they were treated. So, I feel if I tell someone that I eat Soup Joumou without saying that I am Haitian, I believe they will know I am Haitian, Natifnatal. This object is important to me and my Haitian people because I and many of us from Haiti are so proud of our culture and our independence.

Place(s): Haiti, france, brooklyn NY
Year: 2016


Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant