High Button Kid Shoes

In Attire

One of my Great Great Grandfathers immigrated from Italy. He was a shoemaker.  He made all sorts of shoes.  He made many shoes for miners in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, but he also made shoes for ladies.  One of the ladies he made shoes for was for my Irish great great grandmother, who ended up marrying my great grandfather's Swedish father. She ended up becoming friends with him again after her son married his daughter. She always said he was very handsome and that she had a crush on him, even though he was a married man.  That was before she married my Swedish great great grandfather of course. 

It sounds complicated, but I am many different things from immigrants from all over Europe!

Place(s): Ireland,Italy,Sweden
Year: 1910

– Annabel Cole

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more