Hand-carved baby crib

Wooden baby crib
Wooden baby crib

My family, like many other families, immigrated to this country to escape persecution. We have been in the US for a long time, so long that we do not have any objects that have been passed on. The main culture that we connect to is Pennsylvania Dutch, and this crib is one object that reminds me of this heritage. My great-grandfather was the last of us to be brought up in the Mennonite Church. He learned how to cook Pennsylvania Dutch food (like scrapple and sauerkraut), and learned traditional ways of hand carving. He taught different people (including my dad and brother) in my family how to make furniture, clocks, and decorations out of wood. He was the cornerstone of my family, keeping us all together, and passing along not only traditions, but the qualities he grew up with on the farm and in the church. A huge part of being Pennsylvania Dutch and Mennonite, is being humble, and caring for others. These are qualities that I hope to carry on, especially when thinking of more recent immigrants. 

Year: 1700

– Em King

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more